You are always welcome to drop in to either of the settings for a chat and a look around. Alternatively you can contact us via this site, email us at or our facebook pages.
We look forward to meeting you.
You are always welcome to drop in to either of the settings for a chat and a look around. Alternatively you can contact us via this site, email us at or our facebook pages.
We look forward to meeting you.
As a forces friendly setting we offer children in our setting the emotional support that’s needed when a parent/carer is away training or deployed. We help build a child’s resilience and give them opportunities to share their life experiences with other military families. We have fun at military matters groups, we can even post a hug, send letters and pictures to serving family members that are away from home.
Please feel free to contact us, call in or phone us if you need any more information or would like to visit one of our settings. Call us on: 02392 513 777 or email our team at:
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